Močidlianska skala
Kód územia
Výmera územia
199,269 ha
Dátum návrhu
Dátum aktualizácie
Územia na mape
Správca územia
Administration of PLA Poľana
tel: 45 533 48 34fax:+421 45 533 36 57
Slovak Republic
ul. J. M. Hurbana 20
Katastrálne územia
Detva, Dúbravy
Súradnice stredu územia (WGS84)
Zemepisná šírka
Zemepiská dĺžka
Nadmorská výška (m)
Biogeografický región
alpský región
Biotopy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany
- 6510 - Nížinné a podhorské kosné lúky
- 8220 - Silikátové skalné steny a svahy so štrbinovou vegetáciou
- 9110 - Kyslomilné bukové lesy
- 9130 - Bukové a jedľové kvetnaté lesy
- 9180 - Lipovo-javorové sutinové lesy
Druhy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany
Bombina variegata, Rosalia alpina
Popis územia
Basement of the site is formed by various rocks of andesite type. Highland like type of local topography provides for the formation of cliffs and rocky outcrops of various size and shape. Most common soil types of the site are Cambisols. These are in its southern sections replaced by waterlogged Planosols.
Ciele ochrany
The site is situated within the Protected Landscape Area - Biosphere Reserve Poľana. The entire site also falls into the proposed Poľana SPA. The site consists of a rich mosaic of very diverse communities ranging from the meadow habitat 6510 Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) through 9130 Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests to special topographic features confined habitat type 8220 Chasmophytic vegetation on siliceous rocky slopes. The site is altogether dominated by thermophilous communities.
The key threat factors include ongoing seral processes leading to the gradual colonisation of the south facing thermophilous pastures by tree and shrub vegetation. Hay meadows traditionally managed by cutting shall under no circumstances be subjected to intensification efforts (overfertilisation, etc.). Well-preserved remnants of the original pastures require immediate removal of excess woody vegetation. Pasture herbage shall be managed by the extensive practice of mixed grazing (sheep and goats). Thermophilous pastures require most urgent removal and/or reduction of woody vegetation. It is recommended to mow hay meadows at least once a year. Uncut damp meadows around the Močilná skala / Močilná Rock shall be returned back to regular management and be cut at least twice a year for the length of several years. For areas somewhat unsuitable for cutting regime of regular removal of excess woody vegetation shall be introduced.
agricultural organizations - 4.366 %
private - 1.278 %
state - 51.91 %
towns and municipalities - 42.115 %
Vplyvy a aktivity v území a jeho kontaktnej zóne
Vyssia kategoria(kod - nazov) | Nazov aktivity |
A - poľnohospodárstvo |   |
  | opustenie pasenia, nedostačné pasenie |
Ostatné druhy
Anguis fragilis, Baetis niger, Carex flava, Carex hartmanii, Cryptocheilus richardsi, Cyanus segetum, Epipactis helleborine, Haplodrassus cognatus, Henia illyrica, Lathyrus nissolia, Peucedanum carvifolia, Pilosella caespitosa, Platanthera bifolia, Salamandra salamandra, Saxifraga granulata subsp. granulata
Vyhodnotenie stavu ochrany pre zoologické monitorované druhy
Názov druhu LT | Názov druhu SK | Taxonomická skupina | Dobrý (%) | Nevyhovujúci (%) | Zlý (%) | Akcia |
Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) | bocian biely | vtáky | 100,0 | 0,0 | 0,0 |
Všeobecná štatistika živočíchov